2025-03-23 10:22 PM
When I enter standby mode using HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode(), the program is expected to halt at __WFI() until awakened, after which it should restart from the beginning. The function is shown as followed.
However, in my case, after executing __WFI(), the program immediately jump out from __WFI(), proceeds to execute subsequent statements. Debugging shows that the C1SBFflag in the PWR_EXTSCR register is not set, indicating the MCU failed to enter standby mode. This issue occurs specifically when disconnecting a peripheral (indirectly connected via a slave chip).
I check the SLEEPDEEP bit in SCR register and LMPS bits in PWR_CR1 register, all bits is set to 1 when program stopped at the breakpoint of CLEAR_BIT(SCB->SCR, ((uint32_t)SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk));shown in the picture.
I also check the WUF flags in PWR_SR1, no bit set to 1.
I would like to inquire about the possible reasons that might prevent an MCU from entering standby mode normally.
2025-03-24 4:57 AM
would it be possible to share the project?
Best regards,
Filip Kremen
2025-03-27 6:05 PM
I have identified the issue. A configurable event input's pending bit has been set.