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I2C read issue in STM32L072 MCU

arun rajajinagar
Associate II

Hi Team,

We are using STM32L072 Discovery kit LoRa module for reading CCS811 sensor over I2C peropheral. The Hardware Id (Deivce id) of the sensor is not able to read as the data line does not contain ACK signal at the end. We are using HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit and HAL_I2C_Master_Receive fucntions for I2C communication. Kindly suggest us, how can we proceed to resolve this issue

Thanking you



Why would it not ACK?

Are you using the (0x5A << 1) address?

Is the device otherwise responsive?

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I am also wondering why not ACK, even there is no 9th clock pulse.

yes, I am using (0x5A<<1) i.e. 0xB4 address.

The device is responsive on other board like arduino.

Odd. Driving I2C OLED displays on the LoRa DISCO board here.

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The STM32 I2C works with other sensors. The CCS811 works with Arduino board. But when both are interfaced, not getting proper response or no response.