2020-09-01 7:42 AM
Lets say that " i want to access ABZ 093 module with AT command".(for LORA communication)
thing that are not clear to me are:
Some document state that you dont need to connect pullup resistor to Mcu nRST( because there is inbuilt 45k inbuilt resistor).
Should i leave VDD_TCXO ,TCXO_OUT, PHO-OSC_in , PHI-OSC_OUT Floating or should i short them to ground ?
If i want to use ABZ 091 or ABZ 078 module. Do these module come factory ready to work with AT command or do i need to use I-CUBE-LRWAN?
I want to use Arduino IDE to work with these modules.
2020-09-01 11:33 AM
Doesn't Murata have a minimal wiring diagram in the data sheet?
>>Should i leave VDD_TCXO ,TCXO_OUT, PHO-OSC_in , PHI-OSC_OUT Floating or should i short them to ground ?
VDD_TCXO needs power if you expect the radio to work.
If you want the STM32 clocked via the TCXO, connect TCXO_OUT to PH0, leaving PH1 floating.
NRST likely doesn't need connection
I believe the default firmware supports an AT interface.
2020-09-01 12:38 PM
In one schematic i saw person connected VDD_TCXO to PHI-OSC_OUT.
What does this above connection do?
2020-09-01 12:57 PM
>>In one schematic i saw person connected VDD_TCXO to PHI-OSC_OUT.
Ok, should I guess who? Murata says power it, or use PA12 if that's used as a power source/enable signal. PH1 might be used as an alternate GPIO, but you'd a) need to code software to do that, and b) it doesn't work if PH0 is being used as OSC_IN, even in BYPASS mode
The PH0 input can provide an accurate HSE clock source for the STM32L0, this would be something to consider if you plan to implement USB support via PA11/PA12
2020-09-03 12:11 PM
do i need to ground all the pin in lora module to make it work ?
when operating on battery do need to short VDD_USB, VDD_MCU and VDD_RF to battery VDD , if i am operating them on li ion battery?