2022-01-20 9:10 AM
Any program that I generate using STM32CubeIDE for the STM32WB with BLE enabled hangs until I comment out the following line. What needs to change in the initialization sequence?
* We should never end up in this case
* However, if due to any bug in the timer server this is the case, the mistake may not impact the user.
* We could just clean the interrupt flag and get out from this unexpected interrupt
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-02-23 7:39 AM
Indeed, if the Hardware Time Server (HW_TS) is not initialized (via MX_APPE_Init()) quickly enough after the RTC initialization (via MX_RTC_Init()), the code might get stuck in an infinite loop in the HW_TS_RTC_Wakeup_Handler() function.
To avoid this problem there is 2 solutions:
Remove the following code in MX_RTC_Init function in main.c file:
/** Enable the WakeUp
if (HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer(&hrtc, 0, RTC_WAKEUPCLOCK_RTCCLK_DIV16) != HAL_OK)
You will have to remove it after every new code generation with STM32CubeMX.
To avoid to do modification every new code generation with STM32CubeMX.
> Change Wake Up Counter value:
If you used CubeMX, in RTC configuration change default value by 0xFFFF:
Or in MX_RTC_Init function in main.c, change the second parameter of this function by replace 0 value:
by 0xFFFF:
> Add the following line in RTC_Init 2 User Code Section (in MX_RTC_Init function in main.c) :
Best Regards,
2022-02-23 7:39 AM
Indeed, if the Hardware Time Server (HW_TS) is not initialized (via MX_APPE_Init()) quickly enough after the RTC initialization (via MX_RTC_Init()), the code might get stuck in an infinite loop in the HW_TS_RTC_Wakeup_Handler() function.
To avoid this problem there is 2 solutions:
Remove the following code in MX_RTC_Init function in main.c file:
/** Enable the WakeUp
if (HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer(&hrtc, 0, RTC_WAKEUPCLOCK_RTCCLK_DIV16) != HAL_OK)
You will have to remove it after every new code generation with STM32CubeMX.
To avoid to do modification every new code generation with STM32CubeMX.
> Change Wake Up Counter value:
If you used CubeMX, in RTC configuration change default value by 0xFFFF:
Or in MX_RTC_Init function in main.c, change the second parameter of this function by replace 0 value:
by 0xFFFF:
> Add the following line in RTC_Init 2 User Code Section (in MX_RTC_Init function in main.c) :
Best Regards,
2022-02-23 8:07 AM
How will the Hardware Timer Server continue to work after I apply either of these two solutions? The first solution removes the function that enables the wake-up timer. The second one disables it.
2022-02-23 8:56 AM
Wake Up Timer is started inside Hardware Timer Server initialization see HW_TS_Init() function.
2022-02-23 9:45 AM
I suggest ST to add link to this forum thread inside code's comment
* Wait for the flag to be back to 0 when the wakeup timer is enabled
* Wait for the flag to be back to 0 when the wakeup timer is enabled
See also https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001K2koYSAR/hwtimerserver-hangs-on-stm32wb-w-ble?t=1645623930307 or https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWB/issues/52 */
2022-02-24 3:00 AM
Thanks for your proposal, we study internally the best way to correct this problem.
2022-05-04 2:09 AM
I don't know if this issue is already solved in the later versions of the FW. I have something that seems related to this (not sure if it is). I have setup a project using the Custom P2P server settings. When I add the HW_time server to it the code hangs. I have one project in which the code gets into the infinite loop (when debuggin) and I have setup a project with minimalistic use of these functions which gets stuck in the HardFaultHandler (after subscriping to the BLE notification characteristic (which starts the HW_TS).
The strange thing about this is that I had the minimalistic project running without issues until I've re-generated the CubeMX project (without making any changes).
I think I should open a new issue for this but wanted to share this here as well.
I have made a github repo which can be viewed what I've done:
2022-05-26 7:40 AM
@Remy ISSALYS any news?
2022-05-26 8:13 AM
Yes @Remy ISSALYS , I resolved the problem using just the second part of Solution 2 above - to edit MX_RTC_Init() and disable the wakeup timer in the user code section.
HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateWakeUpTimer(&hrtc); // Now disable it to prevent interrupts before HW_Timerserver is ready for them.
/* USER CODE END RTC_Init 2 */
We can close this issue.
2022-10-11 5:32 AM
I just spent the last two days chasing this daemon.
I found the MX_RTC_Init() function was followed by 5 other init functions (generated by CubeMX) before the MX_APPE_Init() function.
This would cause too much time to pass between the two function calls and causes a hard fault because the phrtc pointer would be empty in HW_TS_RTC_Wakeup_Handler().
I decided to tell CubeMX to not generate function calls for these two modules. This allows me to call them inside the USER CODE BEGIN 2 area and keep them close together.
I don't know if there are any disadvantages to this approach, but it seems to work fine.