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How to implement broadcast message on MAC 802.15.4 ?

Associate II


I build a network that have some coordinators(FFD) and few nodes(RFD) by using;

Dev-kit: STM32WB55 Nucleo

SW: Mac_802_15_4_FFD (from STM32Cube_FW_WB_1.11.0)

I want to send a message that will be received by all nodes and all coordinators nearby. As I know it is called broadcast message.

I found there are few default defines in example SWs like below in 802_15_4_mac_types.h

/** @brief Defines the broadcast PAN ID */

#define g_BROADCAST_PAN_ID_c          0xFFFF

/** @brief Defines the broadcast PAN ID */

#define g_BROADCAST_ADDRESS_c         0xFFFF

But there is no usage for these defines. Is there anything that explaining how to use broadcast message on MAC 802.15.4?

Also I tried few different PAN_IDs and adresses but there is no receiving data that I sent.

Thanks for any help.

Senior III

Hi @MeteHan​ ,

Did you please refer to the Mac_802_15_4_FFD and Mac_802_15_4_RFD applications available on the STM32CubeWB FW Package ?

Best Regards,


Associate II

Hi Ons,

Mac_802_15_4_FFD and Mac_802_15_4_RFD are examples in CubeFW. You may find in this location.


Hi @MeteHan​ ,

Okay thank you.

Can you please refer to the AN5289.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,


Dear Ons,

Thank you for your help.

I already read this document but there is no any information about my question. There are 2 devices in this application note but I want to sent a message that will be received by all devices (broadcast message on MAC).
