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How to create AT server for STM32WB55? Got stuck in UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt?

Associate II


I want to develop the AT Server for STM32WB55. I am using the custom template where all the BLE setting is already performed and now I want to write code for AT commands. What I do is to receive the command from the COM port and then execute it. E.g. ATDEVICE will give me name with which the WB55 is advertised. I can see all the funtions etc in app_ble.c file.

The problem is when I want to do something in response to the AT command e.g I want to stop advertising and call to function aci_gap_set_non_discoverable so it get stuck in the  hci_cmd_resp_wait function and get stuck in the UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt. I dont know if these two are relevant to each other. So every time I want to do something like advertise, stop advertise, change mode etc it is not running and get stuck there.

I have also tried the AT server example but is not working.

Any help will be appreciable.

Thanks in advance.

ST Employee


The easiest way is to start from BLE_AT_Server example available in STM32CubeWB package. This project implements a set of AT commands used to build GAP/GATT custom server or client, peripheral or central application. The AT instructions are transferred through Cortex®-M4 application microcontroller low-power UART (LPUART, PA2 and PA3) without flow control. You can look the following wiki page which describes the AT Server application.

Best Regards

I have gone through this example several times and when I try to compile and run the code it prompts some errors and I am unable to execute it.

Specifically this message:

make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/Utilities/lpm/tiny_lpm/stm32_lpm.c', needed by 'Utilities/stm32_lpm.o'. Stop.

Bob S

Looks like a makefile/IDE config issue. Is this a CubeIDE project? That path looks like it is outside your IDE project path, unless your entire project is under C:/Users/Utilities.

If using CubeIDE and want this code compiled as part of your project (as opposed to a separately compiled library), it needs to be in/under your project directory, like this:



Associate II

I have solved the path issues but still error exists. Here is the screenshot.0693W00000WId0jQAD.png

ST Employee


Can you try with the latest STM32CubeWB package (v1.14.1) and the latest version of STM32CubeIDE (v1.10.1)?

Best Regards