2022-11-14 12:58 AM
I want to develop the AT Server for STM32WB55. I am using the custom template where all the BLE setting is already performed and now I want to write code for AT commands. What I do is to receive the command from the COM port and then execute it. E.g. ATDEVICE will give me name with which the WB55 is advertised. I can see all the funtions etc in app_ble.c file.
The problem is when I want to do something in response to the AT command e.g I want to stop advertising and call to function aci_gap_set_non_discoverable so it get stuck in the hci_cmd_resp_wait function and get stuck in the UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt. I dont know if these two are relevant to each other. So every time I want to do something like advertise, stop advertise, change mode etc it is not running and get stuck there.
I have also tried the AT server example but is not working.
Any help will be appreciable.
Thanks in advance.
2022-11-16 2:45 AM
The easiest way is to start from BLE_AT_Server example available in STM32CubeWB package. This project implements a set of AT commands used to build GAP/GATT custom server or client, peripheral or central application. The AT instructions are transferred through Cortex®-M4 application microcontroller low-power UART (LPUART, PA2 and PA3) without flow control. You can look the following wiki page which describes the AT Server application.
Best Regards
2022-11-16 5:36 AM
I have gone through this example several times and when I try to compile and run the code it prompts some errors and I am unable to execute it.
2022-11-16 5:46 AM
Specifically this message:
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/Utilities/lpm/tiny_lpm/stm32_lpm.c', needed by 'Utilities/stm32_lpm.o'. Stop.
2022-11-16 6:38 AM
Looks like a makefile/IDE config issue. Is this a CubeIDE project? That path looks like it is outside your IDE project path, unless your entire project is under C:/Users/Utilities.
If using CubeIDE and want this code compiled as part of your project (as opposed to a separately compiled library), it needs to be in/under your project directory, like this:
2022-11-16 11:30 PM
I have solved the path issues but still error exists. Here is the screenshot.
2022-11-17 12:32 AM
Can you try with the latest STM32CubeWB package (v1.14.1) and the latest version of STM32CubeIDE (v1.10.1)?
Best Regards