2021-07-19 12:52 PM
Good time of day!
I am facing some problems with testing example app (BLE_p2pRoteur on WB55.Nucleo board).
First one board flashed as a client, 3 others as a servers, Server 1 to 3 are defined in app_conf.h file, corresponding appplication numbers in macros #define P2P_SERVERx are set.
When I am start scanning from the client side, it shows that 3 boards are advertising, but when connection process starts, only two boards stays connected, not 3 (see log).
The main question is: can I make simultaneous connection on STM32WB for 6 servers and how?
2021-08-13 12:53 AM
BLE_p2pRouteur project is handling up to 6 connections to servers as a client and to one client as a server.
Your log does not show any trial to connect to server 3.
are you sure it does? Hard to say why the connection is not established with server 3 if the client tried to connect.
2022-01-18 9:12 AM
Hello IvanL, Hello Remi QUINTIN
I am sadly not able to answer your question, since I have some problems bevor i even reached the mentioned problem.
Currently i am trying to implement a Client (central) on my STM32WB55RE, which should parse with a BLE from an other sensor. But i have no Idea how to accomplish this.
I was able to creat a server with the Nucleo, but this doesn't help me at the moment. Do you know any reference or tutorial on how i can implement e client?
Kind regards,
2022-01-18 9:38 AM
You can have a look at the project BLE_p2pClient in the WB FW package.
2022-01-19 12:57 AM
Thanks, I take a look