2021-01-24 6:22 AM
Hello. I'm going to proceed with the Murata module project.
I downloaded the AT_SLAVE example source on the EVK LoRa® Discovery kit (B-L072Z-LRWAN1) to confirm that the data communicates well.
The binary used in the above project was downloaded to the custom board and sent the data as it did on the development board, but the data was not received on gateway.
The configuration of the custom board is connected to another stm32 mcu by the Murata module (CMWX1ZZABZ) as uart.
When the "AT+SEND=0:hello" command was sent to the lora module, i received an OK response, but no data came into the gateway.
It's a good method on the development board.
When I download the binary to Murata module on the custom board, should I download it with a different option than the one I downloaded to Murata module on the development board?
2021-01-24 6:44 AM
The software should be the same, you'd probably want to consider differences in the external interfacing.
Perhaps the radio, and the GPIOs
2021-01-24 7:53 AM
2021-01-24 7:53 AM
Thank you for your answer.
I didn't understand what you meant., but please tell me in more detail.