2020-01-07 1:05 PM
Hi, I want to connect my cellphone to a speaker through STM32WB using Bluetooth.
2020-01-08 6:07 AM
Any device based on the STM32WB can pair with other manufacturer devices assuming they are both supporting one of the official numerous profiles defined in the BLE specifications.
The STMW3WB Cube FW package already offer support for one of the BT SIG GATT-based applications listed below:
•Blood Pressur
•Health Thermometer
•Heart Rate
•Human Interface Device (HID)
If you develop your own personal (proprietary) profile, you will only be able to pair with devices supporting the same profile.
For example, The STM32WB Cube FW package also supports proprietary (developed by ST) GATT-based application like
•Cable Replacement
•P2P Server – P2P Client – P2P Router (Multi Connection)
•FW Update Over The Air
•Transparent Mode – Direct Test Mode
•Data Throughput
For those application, you will have to install the ST BLE sensor apk on your android phone to be able to connect to a STM32WB platform.
All these application examples (proprietary and SIG official) are under the Projects\P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo\Applications\BLE directory.
2020-01-09 2:02 PM
I understand, but how can I pair a Bluetooth speaker with the STM32WB?
2020-01-09 2:31 PM
By making a device, which supports A2DP profile.
2020-01-10 2:28 AM
The A2DP profile is a Classic Bluetooth profile, not a BLE profile (also named Smart Bluetooth). The Classic Bluetooth offers enough bitrate to supports the highest birate of the most demanding audio stream. There is no audio profile defined in the BLE specs as of today as the focus was made one the low energy aspect with a much lower data bitrate.
The STM32WB only supports the BLE protocol v5.1.
But you can see under the link below:
This STM32Cube function pack for STM32WB MCU offers support for a full-duplex audio streaming over Bluetooth 5.0 using Opus codec.
2020-01-10 2:53 PM
Good to know, but I don't see the author asking specifically for BLE, only "Bluetooth".
2020-01-13 1:54 AM
As it is meant to work on the STM32WB, the word Bluetooth here means BLE.