2022-01-17 8:58 AM
I have followed the instructions on "Connecting STM32WB to Alexa Zigbee Hub" video tutorial.
I have updated the FUS and the Zigbee stack at the last version.
During the discover step the blue led go on but the Alexa doesn't recognize the STM32WB device.
Do you have any suggestions for me
2022-04-11 6:07 AM
Can you describe more precisely your setup and the “Error log�? to be able to replicate the problem?
Without having details, it is difficult to provide an answer. Let me drop 2 “wild guess�?:
A/ Please be aware that, sometimes, it is simply a question of zigbee channel that are so heavily used (by 802.11, BLE, Bluetooth, Thread…) that the zigbee commissioning is not succeeding.
Hence, the way to proceed is to do some sanity checks on the channel used (if possible: move to a location where absolutely no RF noise is expected), and, if possible, verify that the behavior is consistent on 3 different channels.
B/ Another idea, that do happen quite often, is that, in many cases, the firewall of your company is somehow blocking the communication with a “home device�? like alexa.
Have you identified the problem from home?
Best Regards
2022-05-05 12:27 AM
Hello Adriano,
(Did you succeed connecting WB with an alexa? With which example? )
Someone with an alexa and a WB told me that the fact that, currently, all our example are mono channel while alexa allow all channels (and it is up to alexa to find your device) is potentially a first problem.
Solution to allow a list of channels (let's say: ALL 11-12-13....-25-26) is to update the file Zigbee_OnOff_Server_Distrib\STM32_WPAN\App\app_zigbee.c with all the channels:
#define CHAN11 11
#define CHAN12 12
#define CHAN26 26
and to let the WB select the channel that answer:
config.channelList.count = 1;
config.channelList.list[0].page = 0;
config.channelList.list[0].channelMask = ((1 << CHAN11) | (1 << CHAN12) | (1 << CHAN13) ............ | (1 << CHAN25) | (1 << CHAN26)) ; /*Channel in use, saved template line */
Please don't hesitate to come back to us on this issue,
Best Regards, Pascal
2022-05-05 1:19 AM