2021-01-12 5:35 AM
I have a custom board with STM32 microcontroller and SX1261 Radio Module. I am familiar with I-CUBE-LRWAN from ST Micro. I used the I-CUBE-LRWAN Package in a Nucleo Board and it is working fine. I understand that I need to create a new BSP if using custom board. How can I create my own BSP for the custom board including I-CUBE-LRWAN? What files should be added? Thanks
2021-01-12 6:00 AM
It depends how divergent from the reference design you are.
For pin level differences on the radio there is typically a xyz_hw_conf.h file
Things like UARTs, pins, IRQ and DMA, it can get a little move involved, and ST has improved it over the years.
Things I'd watch for are how the antenna/RF path is switched for Rx vs Tx, TxBoost and if the TCXO is switched via a DIO pin