2023-06-19 8:27 AM - edited 2023-06-19 8:29 AM
what is the relation between shci function input struct : SHCI_C2_Ble_Init_Cmd_Param_t
* Minimum transmit power in dBm supported by the Controller.
* Range: -127 .. 20
int8_t min_tx_power;
* Maximum transmit power in dBm supported by the Controller.
* Range: -127 .. 20
int8_t max_tx_power;
And hci: aci_hal_set_tx_power_level
* This command sets the TX power level of the device. By controlling the
* PA_LEVEL, that determines the output power level (dBm) at the IC pin.
* When the system starts up or reboots, the default TX power level will be
* used, which is the maximum value of 6 dBm. Once this command is given, the
* output power will be changed instantly, regardless if there is Bluetooth
* communication going on or not. For example, for debugging purpose, the
* device can be set to advertise all the time. And use this command to observe
* the signal strength changing.
* The system will keep the last received TX power level from the command, i.e.
* the 2nd command overwrites the previous TX power level. The new TX power
* level remains until another Set TX Power command, or the system reboots.
* @PAram En_High_Power Enable High Power mode - Deprecated and ignored on
* Values:
* - 0x00: Standard Power
* - 0x01: High Power
* @PAram PA_Level Power amplifier output level. Output power is indicative and
* it depends on the PCB layout and associated
* components.Here the values are given at the IC pin
* Values:
* - 0x00: -40 dBm
* - 0x01: -20.85 dBm
* - 0x02: -19.75 dBm
* - 0x03: -18.85 dBm
* - 0x04: -17.6 dBm
* - 0x05: -16.5 dBm
* - 0x06: -15.25 dBm
* - 0x07: -14.1 dBm
* - 0x08: -13.15 dBm
* - 0x09: -12.05 dBm
* - 0x0A: -10.9 dBm
* - 0x0B: -9.9 dBm
* - 0x0C: -8.85 dBm
* - 0x0D: -7.8 dBm
* - 0x0E: -6.9 dBm
* - 0x0F: -5.9 dBm
* - 0x10: -4.95 dBm
* - 0x11: -4 dBm
* - 0x12: -3.15 dBm
* - 0x13: -2.45 dBm
* - 0x14: -1.8 dBm
* - 0x15: -1.3 dBm
* - 0x16: -0.85 dBm
* - 0x17: -0.5 dBm
* - 0x18: -0.15 dBm
* - 0x19: 0 dBm
* - 0x1A: +1 dBm
* - 0x1B: +2 dBm
* - 0x1C: +3 dBm
* - 0x1D: +4 dBm
* - 0x1E: +5 dBm
* - 0x1F: +6 dBm
* @return Value indicating success or error code.