2021-01-13 6:27 AM
Hi Everyone, the TouchGFX team wishes you a happy new year.
If you haven't noticed by now, X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX 4.16.0 is out, available from CubeMX 6.0+ and from st.com as a zip (Also installable through CubeMX).
Here is the documentation for 4.16.0: https://support.touchgfx.com/
Main features:
You can see all the bug fixing and improvements in the changelog.
2021-01-13 3:59 PM
Are there any plans on releasing TouchGFX for Linux?
2021-01-14 11:11 PM
It is not part of our short term plan.
2021-01-15 6:47 AM
What about TouchGFX for STM32MP157 ?
Like Embedded Wizard https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-stm32mp157c-dk2?v=9.30
2021-01-18 12:01 AM
I do not believe it is on our plan either as TouchGFX is aimed to run on MCUs not MPUs.
2021-01-18 1:46 AM
Plans to include the Base View class?
This is my #1 needed feature. We have +50 views and counting, which all must have the same features (popup handler, hotkey window), which must be copied and pasted to all views. Base view would make the TouchGFX perfect tool in my eyes.
2021-01-18 2:00 AM
we are working on it right now. I do not know the status nor potential delivery date unfortunately.
2021-02-04 12:56 PM
Are there any plans to add STM32H745I DISCO support for TouchGFX? If yes, when will it be added?
2021-02-05 2:07 AM
Good question, I do not know what is the plan for the next boards to support. Maybe we should share it, I know that we are working on the H7b3 eval at the moment and dual core dev kits.
I do not see the STM32H745I DISCO in the short term planning but I will check with the Marketing team. maybe they will push for it.
2021-02-05 2:12 AM
Ok so I asked around and it is in our plans, no estimated release date yet however.