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Why am I not able to modify the hardware configuration (for example add a GPIO to the project) when I use Touch GFX?

Associate II

I create the TouchGFX program. Then I browse the folder, open the project with double click. If I download the program to my board (F469I-DISCOVERY) it works. I can modify the Model, Presenter and View files as well. But if I want to configure an SPI channel in the CubeMX part then I save this and I download the code (there aren't any errors) the display stays black. First I tried to add a new task to the project and I tought that it's my fault because I don't really know the FreeRTOS. But it's not about the task. As I mentioned it doesn't work if I add a GPIO or SPI channel.

I already spent months to solve this problem but unfortunately I can't.

I would be grateful if somebody could help me!

Thank you!


Accepted Solutions

As first , this user trouble repeat long time. IOC files in TGFX created projects is not ready for use on around 70%. All your steps to 6 is ok, but 7 no. Situation is better for newer versions.

Latest TGFX is 4.20.

FYI on point 6 create full backup and after 7 regenerating from IOC compare all changes and locate issue maybe.

View solution in original post

Associate III


Configuring additional hardware peripherals should not cause a problem, unless there is a conflict.

How are you configuring GPIO peripheral? Via configuration tool?

Associate II


Yes I use the "Pinout&Configuration" part in the CubeIDE and select an available SPI channel. But I face this problem even if I want to add a task or just a GPIO.

Maybe there are some mistakes in my steps during the process.

  1. I open the TouchGFX 4.14.0
  2. Create a simple program (blue background and a text on it)
  3. Click on "Generate code"
  4. Click on "Browse Code"
  5. In the file explorer I go one folder above (out of the TouchGFX folder)
  6. I go into the STM32CubeIDE folder and select the ".project" project file.
  7. This open CubeIDE and I can download the program to my DISCO board and it works. But after if I go into the configuration tool and add a task or an SPI or GPIO and then re-generate the code there are still no errors but the display stays black when I download the program.

This is how I try to do it. I saw that somebody doesn't go into STM32CubeIDE folder (my 6th step) just open the IOC file and makes the configurations and generates the code in this. But it doesn't works for me I can't open that file this way.

As first , this user trouble repeat long time. IOC files in TGFX created projects is not ready for use on around 70%. All your steps to 6 is ok, but 7 no. Situation is better for newer versions.

Latest TGFX is 4.20.

FYI on point 6 create full backup and after 7 regenerating from IOC compare all changes and locate issue maybe.

Thank you for your advice! I will make a try with a new version and compare the changes and reply what is the solution.

Associate II

Thanks a lot!!!

The problem was the version of the TouchGFX and CubeIDE. With the newest ones my program works properly!