‎2021-07-21 4:33 AM
Hi Everyone,
i´m new to TouchGFX and have some problems implementing a library for AT24C256 EEPROM.
Under the following link I found a library that someone makes available. I would like to use this and have integrated it into STMCubeIDE accordingly. If I want to call up the functions in the Screen1View, I get the error that there is no reference to this function. I suspect that I have packed the header file and the source file in the wrong folder. Where must even integrated files be stored correctly so that touchgfx can find them?
Thanks for help.
‎2021-07-21 4:48 AM
Error from​ compiler or linker?
If from linker make sure the library source files are visible in tree view.
Watch also for C/C++ naming and declaration expectations. ​
‎2021-07-21 5:15 AM
yeah it´s from linker, but my source file is visible in my tree view...
I´m a little bit confused about this problem :\
‎2021-07-21 5:29 AM
Use extern "C" declarations in your include file when playing mixed source types. Watch CPP name mangling.​
‎2021-07-21 5:45 AM
This solves my problem. Have forgotten the declaration totally.... :grinning_face_with_sweat:
Thank you very much, you save me a lot of time!
‎2021-07-22 11:16 PM
I've tried it for 2 days now, unfortunately the code doesn't work somehow. It can be compiled and loaded onto the stm, but either the writing process to the eeprom does not seem to work or the reading process. I don't know what to do next because I tried the code on an arduino and everything works fine there.
on the side of the programmer who wrote the library does the code work on a nucleo, can it be that touchgfx causes problems here?
Does anyone have an idea what is wrong?