2020-09-15 9:29 PM
Hi, I'm using FreeRtos v1 , my board is stm32f429... . I have to thread in main.c and I generate them by stm32cubemx ...in one thread I have a touchgfx process . Other is a task for ethernet . Both of them have a same priority and the stack size of the first is 2048 and another is 1024. But just the touchgfx task can run . I wrote a variable in the header ... But I can set it in the ethernet task . In other words the second can't be run.
2020-09-15 11:54 PM
Ethernet may not need too much stack size, you can try reduce from 1024 to 512, may be, It's depend on your Heap Size which you were configured.
Of course, you can increase the Heap size if you dont want to reduce the stack size of Ethernet task
2020-09-16 1:28 AM
i test 512 but it doesn't work:grimacing_face: i change stack size from startup file and now it works true with 1024 stack size. but now i have a new question. how can i calculate stack size???
2020-09-17 7:22 PM
Sorry for the lately reply,
It's hard to calculate exactly how much Stack size we need, or I don't know how to. But in my case, I often determine this parameter depend on my experience.
It's good if anyone can explain how to choose these parameter :)