2020-05-18 8:07 PM
Good day,
I am trying to make an application that has two sliders that can be used to modify both a control value and feedback value. When I try to create an interaction for the Control Slider using the Trigger as Slider Adjustment confirmed, I was able to make one. I then went to make an interaction for the Feedback slider using the Trigger as Slider Adjustment confirmed. For each interaction, I had selected the appropriate slider. Going back to the Control slider, it appeared to have all of the same settings that I had configured for the Feedback slider. If I changed the settings for Control slider, then the Feedback slider would have the same exact settings as the Control. It seems that I cannot create two different slider interactions that use different Triggers. Please see the attached images.
I am using TouchGFX 4.13 and STM32CubeIDE 1.31.
Has anyone had success with creating an application with two sliders and tow different interactions?
Thanks for any assistance.
2020-05-18 8:36 PM
Apologizes, I am an idiot. I was thinking I had to click on a widget and then I would see the interaction for that widget, not all the interactions on that particular screen. My app seems to be working now.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
2020-05-20 12:53 AM
Thanks a lot for your input @JBlackann.
No need to apologize, and for what it's worth I do not suspect that you are an idiot :)
The usage pattern you are describing - selecting a widget and going to the interactions tab also seems natural to me.
We will strive to make it more evident which screens/widgets/... are involved in interactions.