2019-05-28 3:41 AM
My touchGfx is apparently doing a bad code generation, i'll explain better.
I had a screen, let's say named fooScreen, so touchGFX generated fooScreenViewBase, fooScreenView and fooScreenPresenter.
Now, i renamed the screen in barScreen (ok, not really using foo and bar, i'm using specific name for my application, but i don't think the name matters, no space, special characters ecc)
and ofc TouchGFX generated barScreenViewBase, barScreenView and barScreenPresenter.
The problem is that i still have the fooScreenView and fooScreenPresenter folders with corresponding .cpp and .hpp files in it.
when i try to compile OFC i have unresolved symbol. i manually deleted from visual studio those 2 folders, and it compiles fine, but after a while TouchGfx regenerate them (not the view base, just the view and the presenter folders).
Any way to fix this?
2019-05-28 4:01 AM
Hi @Zui,
Is this happening with TouchGFX 4.10.0 ?
2019-05-28 4:04 AM
I just tried here, and i can't reproduce it on 4.10.0 - Maybe those files were locked when TouchGFx designer tried to delete them to create new ones?
Can you try the same but without visual studio open?
2019-05-28 4:52 AM
Well, i'm using touchGfx 8 hour per day and this error just happened once so far, so not so frequent to be easly reproduced.
I just fixed by manually deleting the old foo files occurrence in the Application.vcxproj and then manually removed the foo folders,so the makefile was recreated correctly.
ProbablytouchGfx tryed to rename those folders from foo to bar but failed, so he creates a new one,keeping the old foo folder. No idea why that happened, but at least i fixed.
2019-06-13 6:09 AM
Hi @Zui,
Is this still happening to you?
2019-06-13 12:24 PM
yeah... i sent a private message to you, including my app, hoping you could find some minutes to figure out why thik keeps happening to me. you haven't recieved it?