2019-08-31 3:56 AM
https://www.touchgfx.com/news/high-quality-graphics-using-only-internal-memory/Hey there ...
I have a custom board having STM32F429ZI MCU. I'm using TFT display with ST7789V controller
For my graphics related project, I'm going to use TouchGFX but the problem is, hardware has been already developed and i need to deal with SPI Display only (as display is connected with SPI2 of the MCU) . Board also contains the SPI flash , No may i seek any possibility to go with touchGFX (my baremetal code with SPI display working great)
I need to use internal SDRAM for the frame buffer
I just little roam on goggle and i have found the same reference here
My graphics requirement is not too high
I needs some expert advice
2019-09-02 12:16 AM
Hi @Mahendra Sondagar,
For SPI based displays you need to implement
HAL::flushFrameBuffer(Rect& rect);
Internal memory is just fine. You can find more about this here:
Let me know if you need more help.
2019-09-03 12:42 AM
Hey, @Martin KJELDSEN
Thanks for your feedback
yes, I'm exacting the help in this case to make it happen!
I have read the URL that you have shared me here, and I have few questions for the same
I have implemented ST7789V Display driver in TouchGFX demo application (default driver was for ili9341)
Display driver is working great with SPI (As I'm getting display id), And I already have working driver for ST7789V. In my case i need to use internal flash and SRAM
for the Frame buffer I have defined Single internal frame buffer "SINGLE_FRAME_BUFFER_INTERNAL" and that's around 75KB for my 240x320 display size and I'm happy with them as my graphics requirement is not so high for now
On my TFT display, I doesn't required any touch activity, that's why i have commented all touch related activity in demo code
My questions are as follow
(1) Do i need to generate the periodic tik of 60Hz for the "VSYNC interrupt notification" as per the guide ?
(2)Do i need to disable the DMA lock if yes, then how ?
(3)At where do i implement the the sub class for "HAL::flushFrameBuffer(const Rect& rect)"?
I'm eagerly waiting for your feedback =)
Mahendra Sondagar
2019-09-03 12:53 AM
Hi @Mahendra Sondagar,
1) Regardless of touch, you need to generate a perodic tic (From LTDC, hardware timer, ...) to drive TouchGFX forward. The main event loop is expecting this signal.
2) Do you mean lockDMAToFrontPorch() ? It's unclear to me.
3) You could implement it inside the HAL that you're using (STM32F4HAL.cpp) - Except, now that you're not using LTDC but transferring data manually to the display in flushFrameBuffer() you probably need to make a few changes:
This is the original LTDC interrupt handler - Notice how it's calling OSWrappers::signalVSync(); This is the signal you must send this based on some syncronization signal from your display.
extern "C"
__irq void LTDC_IRQHandler(void)
if (LTDC->ISR & 1)
LTDC->ICR = 1;
if (LTDC->LIPCR == lcd_int_active_line)
//entering active area
LTDC->LIPCR = lcd_int_porch_line;
// Swap frame buffers immediately instead of waiting for the task to be scheduled in.
// Note: task will also swap when it wakes up, but that operation is guarded and will not have
// any effect if already swapped.
//exiting active area
LTDC->LIPCR = lcd_int_active_line;
And then also define the HAL::flushFrameBuffer(const Rect& rect) method here. If you intend to use DMA to transfer the data over SPI let me know because you need to protect the method from returning until DMA is done transferring by introducing another semaphore.
2019-09-03 1:09 AM
Thanks @Martin KJELDSEN for quick reply!
yeah! , I'm talking about lockDMAToFrontPorch() , do i need to disable it ? then How ?
As, I'm not using LTDC, i have kept DMA2D as it is
yes, I'll set the timer interrupt of 60Hz for the OSWrappers::signalVSync() as per the guide
I'm not using DMA with SPI, suppose if i need to do, then what are the best use case ?
Mahendra Sondagar
2019-09-03 1:36 AM
void HAL::lockDMAToFrontPorch(bool) is always false by default, so unless you did something manually, you don't have to do anything. The call is made in BoardConfiguration.cpp in our application templates.
Re best use case for DMA+SPI: Let's take that if the need arises. It just involves blocking on a semaphore in flushFrameBuffer() until it is signaled by the DMA (to SPI display) completed interrupt handler. This ensures that you do not continue to the next frame until DMA is finished.
2019-09-03 1:52 AM
Thanks @Martin KJELDSEN
I'll implement the required stuff and let you know, if i need any further help
I'll keep this thread continue
Thanks for support
Mahendra Sondagar
2019-09-03 1:59 AM
No problem. Let me know!
2019-09-09 4:04 AM
Hey @Martin KJELDSEN
I'm back once again with few more test and updates and problems as well =)
As per your suggestions and touch GFX guide for the custom board, I have made few changes in my code
(1) Implemented 60 Hz timer for the signalVSync() (which is working great)
(2) Added and link my custom "generated" and GUI files with the code
(3) Un-comment "#define SINGLE_FRAME_BUFFER_INTERNAL" for the internal flash and SRAM use (which causes problem!)
with the 3rd change, I'm getting Hard fault
My, target MCU is STM32F429ZI having 2MB flash and 256+4KB SRAM
I'm using keil MDK 5 for as IDE
Here is the memory footprint after compilation code on keil5
Code = 57840 bytes
RO-data= 565412 bytes
RW-data= 2500 bytes
For "Option for Target", i have attached in screen shot
Stack_Size EQU 0x5000
Heap_Size EQU 0x200
FreeRTOS task heap size 2000kb
From the memory footprint, i can say that it should be easily fitted with my MCU, but unfortunately that's not happening!
The functions at where I'm getting hard-fault is shown here
/* Calling from Above BitmapDatabse Function */
namespace BitmapDatabase
const touchgfx::Bitmap::BitmapData* getInstance()
return bitmap_database; <--------------Cause Hardfault
uint16_t getInstanceSize()
return (uint16_t)(sizeof(bitmap_database) / sizeof(touchgfx::Bitmap::BitmapData));
@Martin KJELDSEN Can you give me any suggestions ?
Here is the hardfault report
Eagerly waiting for your feedback
Mahendra Sondagar
2019-09-11 6:45 AM
Hello Community
I need help to sort-out the issue
I'll really appreciate all suggestions and comments