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TouchGFX with custom board there ...

I have a custom board having STM32F429ZI MCU. I'm using TFT display with ST7789V controller

For my graphics related project, I'm going to use TouchGFX but the problem is, hardware has been already developed and i need to deal with SPI Display only (as display is connected with SPI2 of the MCU) . Board also contains the SPI flash , No may i seek any possibility to go with touchGFX (my baremetal code with SPI display working great)

I need to use internal SDRAM for the frame buffer

I just little roam on goggle and i have found the same reference here

My graphics requirement is not too high

I needs some expert advice


Chief III


The Bitmapdatabase is often located in external flash. Do you have external NOR flash? If this address is not accessible i think that call to getBitmapDatabase() will hardfault.


Thanks Martin for the feedback,

I have external SPI flash (i don't think that is memory mapped)

But i have decided to use with the internal storage and that's why I have Un-comment "SINGLE_FRAME_BUFFER_INTERNAL"

Not only that, from fonts and Bitmap files i have removed "KEEP" and "ExtFlashStorage" macros to occupy internal storage only

I'm using keil MDK5

I'd keep all the things as it is

Total occupied SRAM and flash is as follow

Program Size: Code=57860 RO-data=565404 RW-data=2500 ZI-data=201820  

My quires are as follow

(1) How do i store them with internal flash only along with the above changes (do i need any further modifications ?)

(2) If i have External SPI flash, then what are the possibilities to use it for the storage
