2020-05-13 5:45 AM
Hello everyone!
I have a STM32H7B3I-DK board.
I use TouchGFX Designer ver 4.13.0 and created a simple project.
The project consist of one screen with two elements: box1 & image1
Also I created eclipse project with touchgfx framework, FreeRTOS and TouchGFX folder (conteins files generated by TouchGFX Designer).
Succsessfully compiled it and download hex-file to my STM32H7B3I-DK board. It work well!
After that I added a new element: shape1. Generated new code by touchGFX designer and update TouchGFX folder in eclipse project.
Succsessfully compiled it and download to my board. It dont work!
LCD screen is black.
I run TouchGFX simulator and project work well.
After that, I run target (to start TouchGFX project on my board) and as result, LCD screen is black, too
When I exclude add(shape1); from my code, it work well for both projects (TouchGFX Designer project and eclipse project with touchgfx framework) but without shape element
Why? I dont now. Help me, please.
I attached cpp, hpp files where I added a shape element to my code
2020-08-17 5:38 AM
What's your current status ?
2020-08-17 6:07 AM
After that it work nice.
2020-08-17 6:29 AM
Great ! :)
The voltage scaling can indeed have an impact (on the APB bus frequency for example) that wasn't checked very well before CubeMX 6.0.0.