2020-12-13 7:21 AM
I am using swipe container with two pages.
Problem 1: We are unable to swipe the pages pointing on top of the graph. I mean, swipe container is working only in the region where graph is not there? I understand that this is because of click event and drag event functions of graph widget, I only need swipe container. How to override this graph drag event function to still continue to use the Swipe container with left and right swipe option.
Problem 2: The graph works well as long as we are in same screen, when we transit to screen2 and come back to screen1 (where graph and swipe container are present) the graph creating hard fault after swiping on graph ? how to resolve this issue ?
2020-12-18 2:00 AM
Can some help me in this regards, the problem statement is explained as above
2020-12-18 7:47 PM
I put a graph in a swipe container in 2 projects. H735 and F746, I haven't begun using the graph yet in either one. Hard fault in the 746, 735 seems fine.
I have not investigated further, I wonder if its out of memory.
2021-03-19 3:51 AM
Any update on SYann.1 Problem#1?
Problem #2 has been fixed in TouchGfx release 4.16.1.
But I am running into the same issue as SYann.1 where it is not possible to swipe the container if the graph takes the full container area.
2021-03-19 6:14 AM
Hi Franck23,
We have figured out solution for Problem 1 as well.!
Need to send the graph back to one screen and make that screen transparent. That will still show the page layout as you have designed with graph but it will not allow you to generate graph swipe event. But works well for swiping even in graph screen.
2021-03-19 8:40 AM
Hi Syann.1,
Thanks for answering.
What do you mean by "send the graph back to one screen"?
2021-03-19 10:16 PM
Hi Franck23,
there is way in touchgfx designer to bring widgets front and back.
2021-03-20 8:18 AM
When you say "send the graph back to one screen", do you mean to get the graph directly on the screen, behind the swipe container, so that the graph is not part of the swipe container anymore?
It would work for just one graph.
However, I have 2 graphs to swipe so I would still need to have one graph inside a swipe page.
2021-05-30 12:18 AM
Hi @Community member
Were you able to figure out the Problem#1, to have multiple graphs in the swipe container along with swipe option ?
2021-05-31 8:10 AM
Hi @YSN ,
I did not find a solution to have multiple graphs in a swipe container.
I had to give up and restructure the UI so that I do not use swipe containers with graph.