2020-07-02 4:03 AM
I'm working on a quick and dirty prototype for thermal regulation.
It's the first time I use TouchGFX (but I'm quite used to STM32s for like 10+ years, ST partner, etc.).
The UI is very simple (one screen) and runs on a F469 discovery board, I used the designer to add a background and a couple buttons, etc. tested it in the simulator, so far so good. Today I received the board, plugged it in, flashed it, and it worked first try (which is SUPER impressive). Now I just have to add inputs and outputs, and voilà, happy customer.
Only one thing bothers me (not too much for this project) is the tight integration with FreeRTOS (having my own C++ RTOS https://github.com/eznovsas/OpSy), I'll check later how much work it would be to switch FreeRTOS to OpSy.
Anyway, my main concern now is I'd like to add a real time graph of the set and measured temperature, so basically a static background with 2 multi lines drawn on top, refreshed like a few times a second (not a scope like with a moving front line, more like shift everything to the left and add the last measurement on the right). No resize, no zoom, no nothing.
Any advice on where to start (I think the Graph demo is not available anymore, and not up to date) ? The CPU usage is basically nothing for the application itself (basic PID at less than 10Hz ...) so I don't need it ultra optimized.
Best regards,
2020-07-06 1:59 AM
I guess you have already progressed on this but you can have a look at Demo 1 (just create a new project with the simulator and the UI template "TouchGFX Demo 1", then generate code). There is a graph you could base your code on.
We are currently working on implementing a graph widget to Designer but it will unfortunately not be out before a few months I suppose.
2020-07-06 2:08 AM
Demo 2 has well has another one in the "HomeAutomation" screen, just a bit more buried in the demo code