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touchgfx external flash problem



I am using touchgfx with STM32H743 mcu. When i store the pictures(png) in internal flash everthing works fine but when i change the project from touchgfx for store pictures in the external flash(W25Q128, QSPI), colors are wrong for the whole screen(gray seems green, pink seems yellow etc.). What would be the the problem, where should i look at.

Best regards.


>> where should i look at.

Start by validating that the mapped content of the QSPI matches the content of the linker generated .ELF on the PC side.

The linker script should be putting the external content in the 0x90000000 memory section, review the .MAP to confirm that' where it is getting put.

Check your BSP code is memory mapping the QSPI correctly. That the memory content is not shifted or offset by a few bytes, or nibbles, or whatever. See Point#1

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These are my new findings:

My test png is full Red (#FF0000) and I am adjusting its image format to ARGB8888 from touchgfx. When I build the project touchgfx converting this png to an auto-generated cpp file as follows:


Then I download the code with CubeMXProgrammer and read back the 0x90000000 which is mapped to QSPI external flash. The representation of the png in the flash is as follows:


The CPP file and the flash contents seems overlapped to me. And when I run the code and read the frame buffer:


It is still overlapping. But I am seeing color of CYAN instead of RED.

Thanks a lot for your help.


Hello @gomuluyazilim ,

Your issue looks like these 2 ones that have been talked in the forum:
Solved: External Flash downloader shift 1 byte in flash ar... - STMicroelectronics Community
Solved: TouchGFX Color Issue with QSPI Flash - STMicroelectronics Community

Have you already checked them?

ST Software Developer | TouchGFX