2021-03-14 1:10 AM
I have installed the following on my Windows 10 PC:
STM32CubeIDE v1.6.0
STM32CubeMX v6.2.0
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.6.0
TouchGFX v4.16.1
From the CubeIDE I can compile and debug code on my STM32F469I-DISCO board.
However if I try to create an example project in TouchGFX Designer, the following error appears:
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
'Co' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This same error occurs if I try to generate code for my DISCO board or for the simulator.
I have tried multiple other targets and many of the examples, all with the same error.
I have removed all the applications and reinstalled from scratch, but the same error occurs.
Thanks for any help,
2021-03-14 6:58 PM
Hello HGray.1,
After countless projects created with Designer, I never encountered this issue.
The error indicates "Co' is not recognized as an internal or external command," , this should be your best bet for finding the error.
Do you have any space in your project name or path ? Try to find where this 'Co' comes from.
Please can you provide the exact steps you performed to get this error ?
2021-03-14 7:26 PM
Hi Alexandre,
There were no spaces in any of the project names or paths I tried. For example I have used "Z:\Programming\TouchGFXProjects\" as the path and simple names like "Test" for the project name. I can't see where the "Co" would come from in these.
I get the error on my home PC, whereas my work PC is working fine compiling the same example projects. I installed the programs from the same downloaded files, so each PC uses the same versions.
Here is my workflow:
2021-08-01 5:14 PM
It turns out that this item in the path "C:\Program Files\CWF Hamilton & Co Ltd" is what is breaking the compiler.
In fact it only takes a single ampersand "&" anywhere in the path to break it.
This applies to the new 4.17 version as well.