2021-09-27 4:56 AM
I have a custom board based on a STM32F469BG with a TFT (NHD-4.3-480272EF), a SDRAM (MT48LC4M32B2) and a NORFLASH (IS29GL128).
I tried to display a simple screen with five red box (on a white background) but they are not displayed correctly. In all the boxes, i can see random white dots and random white lines. The box is not entirely filled with red (see attached file)Also, i can see some pixel that are moving vertically to the top of the screen.
The framebuffer is stored in external RAM.I checked the LTDC settings with no result.
Does anyone has an idea to solve my problem ?
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
2021-09-27 10:50 AM
Start testing with internal RAM and L8 framebuffer. When you handle timing LTDC , then your next step is external RAM. But this need good PCB routing.
Your image may source from more mistakes, LCD timing, LCD wires routing ...