2023-03-13 9:53 AM
TouchGFX 4.21.13 is now out.
Please follow this link to download it.
4.21.3 Release details :
4.21.2 Release details :
4.21.1 Release details :
4.21.0 Release details :
Attention : TouchGFX Designer 4.21.0 MUST be used with STM32CubeMX 6.7.0 or above (link to download STM32CubeMX 6.7.0)
Hope you will enjoy this new version !
2023-03-15 8:55 AM
This doesn't seem to be available in "Embedded Software Packages Manager" in STM32CubeIDE, is there a way of manually installing this download into the IDE?
Edit: No worries, I used the "From Local" button on the zip. All installed now.
2023-03-16 11:47 PM
I have seen this anouncement and installed the updated TouchGFX Designer, opened my project (*.tgfx) and migrated it to the up-to-date-version. Didn't expect any problems with CubeMX, because it's just a patch-release. Now CubeMX won't work anymore, because this version is not available in the Package Manager yet (als @ACapo.1 already said).
Please release interdependent software packages at the same time, so this can not happen. When will the 4.21.3 be available in CubeMX?
2023-03-17 12:45 AM
Like Acop did, enable it by using the "From local" option in the "Manage Embedded Software Packages" option in STM32CubeMX like in the screenshot below. You need to navigate to where you have your en.STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.4.21.3.zip folder, so I guess your Download folder.
I am also surprised that it is not available in STM32CubeMX yet, I suppose it will arrive very soon. It is out of range of the TouchGFX team unfortunately.
2023-03-17 10:03 AM
I do not remember how to install GFXGenerator. Is it done in CubeMX ? But 'install' button is not active there:
Hm, I wonder how I installed previous version - I see it in c:\TouchGFX\4.21.1\
Thanks for help
2023-03-17 10:07 AM
From readme.txt
"You can find the TouchGFX Designer installer file inside the folder
Utilities\PC_Software\TouchGFXDesigner from the X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX package."
2023-03-19 6:26 PM
I think it should now be available online. If still not, in the screenshot I shared above I pointed out the "From local" option in the bottom left. Click on this one and navigate to where you downloaded "en.STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.4.21.3.zip" file. Within this zip you will find TouchGFX Designer in the Utilities\PC_Software\TouchGFXDesigner. Otherwise if you have downloaded it you can find it in the C:\Users\<user name>\STM32Cube\Repository\Packs\STMicroelectronics\X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX\4.21.3\Utilities\PC_Software\TouchGFXDesigner
2023-03-23 11:05 AM
Hi Romain,
thanks for your post.
I reloaded TouchGFX 4.21.3 as you suggested. This brought no result. Both warnings are unchanged. It confirmed my guess that the problem is in the incomplete installation of CubeMX 6.8.0. Further more I checked whether there is a new .zip for CubeMX 6.8.0. Unfortunately it today (23.03.23) has exactly the same bit size as on 13.03.23. So the CubeMX-team did nothing up to now. For I am not the only victim please help to get them working. Without having installed the "CMSIS-Pack" CubeMX is useless. Please contact the supervisor of that team. To fix this mistake should not be a real problem for those people.
Thanks for your help.
2023-03-23 5:08 PM
The issue was reported, I don't have any further details on the situation unfortunately. In the meantime please follow the procedure I shared in the other answers to download "from local" the TouchGFX package manually in STM32CubeMX 6.8.