2023-03-28 7:16 PM
hi guys,
I created a project, which was done with touchgfx 4.20.0. After the software has a new version 4.21.3, I use it to open the old version. After generating the code, a compilation error occurs, and the prompt is as follows
h7b0_vbt_touchgfx\h7b0_vbt_touchgfx.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol touchgfx::paint::tearDown() (referred from painterrgb565.o).
I can't find the reason, can you help me to find the reason? Thank you for your support.
2023-04-20 5:35 AM
Did you already check the following article?
Known Issues | TouchGFX Documentation 4.20
Best regards,
2023-05-08 4:25 AM
Hello victor.wu,
As my colleague N. SANTINI said, I invite you to have a look at the article Known Issues | TouchGFX Documentation 4.20.
You'll probably just need to regenerate code from STM32CubeMX and regenerate code on Designer afterward. Let us know if it works and if that resolves your issue I'll let you select the best answer and close your thread.
2023-05-08 6:01 PM
Yes, rebuilding the project via cubemx will solve this problem, thank you for your answer