2018-07-11 10:02 PM
Dear every body,
I'm doing project about lcd tft 7inch 800x480 and stm32f746.
Currently, i want use external keypad (or external button), not use touch screen pannel.
I have 1 button on LCD:
// { BUTTON_CreateIndirect, 'Browse', ID_BUTTON_0, 13, 8, 100, 20, 0, 0x0, 0 },
(x,y) = (13,8).
width = 100.
height = 20.
=> (x,y) center = (13+100/2 = 63,8+20/2=18).
When 1 keypad or button pressed, i checked that ok.
How to mapping 1 key pressed to WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED event of
ID_BUTTON_0 (ID_BUTTON_0 is displayed on LCD)? After that, emwin will do something: show dialog...
Can you tell me solutions, please?
Thank you so much!
#tft-lcd-touch-screen-mapping-by-external-keypad2018-07-11 11:31 PM
You can emulate key press with
2018-07-11 11:40 PM
Dear Vitaliy Chernobay,
Via link project:
I modified to my project (not use touch_update), dummy data (Simulation).
Can you check it, please?
int gui_keyboard_update(void) {
static GUI_PID_STATE TS_State = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; GUI_PID_STATE last_TS_State = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static int state = 0; static uint32_t prev_time = 0;// typedef struct {// int x,y;// U8 Pressed;// U8 Layer;// } GUI_PID_STATE;// { BUTTON_CreateIndirect, 'Browse', ID_BUTTON_0, 13, 8, 100, 20, 0, 0x0, 0 },switch (state) {
case 0: if (HAL_GetTick() - prev_time > 5000) {//After 5s to dummy press external key. prev_time = HAL_GetTick(); printf('S0\r\n'); state = 1; } break; case 1: TS_State.Pressed = 1; TS_State.Layer = 0; TS_State.x = 63; TS_State.y = 18;GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx(&TS_State);//GUI_PID_StoreState(&TS_State); prev_time = HAL_GetTick(); printf('S1\r\n'); state = 2; break; case 2: if (HAL_GetTick() - prev_time > 100) {//hold pressed 100ms prev_time = HAL_GetTick(); printf('S2\r\n'); state = 3; } break; case 3: TS_State.Pressed = 0; TS_State.Layer = 0; TS_State.x = 63; TS_State.y = 18;GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx(&TS_State);//GUI_PID_StoreState(&TS_State); printf('S3\r\n'); state = 4; break; case 4: state = 4; break; default: break; }}But haven't WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED event!
Thank you!
2018-07-12 01:50 AM
like that example
pState.x = 200;
pState.y = 120;pState.Pressed = 1; pState.Layer = 0;GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx(&pState);GUI_Exec();GUI_Delay(200);pState.x = -1;
pState.y = -1;pState.Pressed = 0;pState.Layer = 0;GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx(&pState);GUI_Exec();GUI_Delay(200);}
2018-07-12 02:06 AM
Dear you,
I'll try solution that you said.
2018-07-12 02:16 AM
x & y must be inside the coordinates of the square of the button
2018-07-12 06:16 PM
Dear Vitaliy Chernobay,
I tried solution that you said.
It is ok.
Thank you so much!
2018-07-12 10:04 PM
Dear Vitaliy Chernobay,
Currently, I want 4 external button Up, Down, OK, Cancel to select file in USB (only 4 file saved in USB, no folder hold 4 file). These files is showed by TREEVIEW.
Up/Down button to up/down file name in list file on TREEVIEW.
Ok button to select file (name of hItem to next funtion).
Can you tell me how to do that, please?
How to get text content in the row?
Thank you!
2018-07-12 11:27 PM
Dear Vitaliy Chernobay,
I can get event ID_BUTTON_0, ID_BUTTON_1, ID_BUTTON_2, ID_BUTTON_3 by external key, show list file , by show_files() function.
Link about WindowDLG_Test.c.
Please check static void _cbDialog(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {}
Thank you so much!
2018-07-13 12:32 AM
Dear you,
I changed code like that you said but not success.
I updated file WindowDLG.c original, before coding.
Can you check it, please!