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Text with "Ññáéíóú" in touchgfx


Hello to all ,

I am wanting to display a text that changes over time what it says, this works fine but for some reason the letters with tilde or the Ñ does not appear.
I put a picture of how I set the typography and how it is shown badly written in the simulation.

in “wildcard characters” I added áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚñÑ and in “wildcard ragne” I put ,Á-Ú,á-ú,ñ-Ñ but it did not work.

why does this problem occur?



Error 1: Blower dañado

Error 6: Alimentación insuficiente (it was cut off by the scrollablecontainer, it doesn't matter)

Error 12: Unidad no respondía





Accepted Solutions

Hi @Maximiliano 

Prefix the string with 'u'

 Unicode::snprintf(texto_errorBuffer, TEXTO_ERROR_SIZE, "%s",  u"Ñá");

I attached example project.



View solution in original post

Chief III

Maybe this helps you Solved: "Tildes" don't appear in wildcard texts. - STMicroelectronics Community

understand Unicode UTF mix. And good practice is show version in your question...

Plus i test your in static and wildcard from designer , then it works ok . What is your code where fail???



Hello @MM..1  thank you for replying.

the fault is in the buffered text.
I also tried putting directly a ñ or a letter with tilde and it fails too.

I don't know if I understood correctly, but is your capture of a text without buffer?



 Unicode::snprintf(texto_errorBuffer, TEXTO_ERROR_SIZE, "%s",  "Ñá");



Un ejemplo del uso que le estoy dando es:


const char* errors[] = {
    "Error 1: Blower dañado",
    "Error 2: Ventilador no gira",
    "Error 3: Sobrecalentamiento detectado",
    "Error 4: Cortocircuito en el sistema",
    "Error 5: Falla en el sensor de temperatura",
    "Error 6: Alimentación insuficiente",
    "Error 7: Comunicación interrumpida",
    "Error 8: Batería descargada",
    "Error 9: Temperatura fuera de rango",
    "Error 10: Fallo en la conexión de red",
    "Error 11: Memoria insuficiente",
    "Error 12: Unidad no respondía"

	// Cambiar el tamaño del arreglo a uno adecuado para el mensaje de error
	char errorBuffer[512];  

	// Buffer de tipo Unicode::UnicodeChar para la cadena final
	Unicode::UnicodeChar finalErrorBuffer[512]; 

    // Inicializar el buffer de errores como vacío
    errorBuffer[0] = '\0';

	int error_code1 = 1;  // Error 1
	int error_code2 = 6;  // Error 6
	int error_code3 = 12; // Error 12

    // Copiar el primer error
    strncpy(errorBuffer, errors[error_code1 - 1], sizeof(errorBuffer) - 1);
    strncat(errorBuffer, "\n", sizeof(errorBuffer) - strlen(errorBuffer) - 1);  // Añadir salto de línea

    // Copiar el segundo error
    strncat(errorBuffer, errors[error_code2 - 1], sizeof(errorBuffer) - strlen(errorBuffer) - 1);
    strncat(errorBuffer, "\n", sizeof(errorBuffer) - strlen(errorBuffer) - 1);

    // Copiar el tercer error
    strncat(errorBuffer, errors[error_code3 - 1], sizeof(errorBuffer) - strlen(errorBuffer) - 1);
    strncat(errorBuffer, "\n", sizeof(errorBuffer) - strlen(errorBuffer) - 1);

    // Convertir el contenido de errorBuffer (char) a finalErrorBuffer (Unicode::UnicodeChar)
    Unicode::strncpy(finalErrorBuffer, errorBuffer, sizeof(finalErrorBuffer) / sizeof(Unicode::UnicodeChar));

    Unicode::snprintf(texto_errorBuffer, TEXTO_ERROR_SIZE, "%s", finalErrorBuffer);


Strings in your source files is in UTF8 , then cant be used directly... why you dont read solution?

Hi @Maximiliano 

Prefix the string with 'u'

 Unicode::snprintf(texto_errorBuffer, TEXTO_ERROR_SIZE, "%s",  u"Ñá");

I attached example project.



Hello @ferro 

Thank you very much! I am happy that this alone can work without having to make major modifications to the code.

Just to clarify for anyone else reading this:

with wildcard ranges:


it's ok, you don't need to put in wildcard characters.

" [it works] without major modifications to the code ..."
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