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system can not find specified path

Associate II

0693W00000WHVSIQA5.pngI am facing this issue. always says system can not find specified path. what is this error?

ST Employee


Could you share your log file ? You can find it under %appdata%/Romaing/TouchGFX-4.20.0 for example.

Can you also give more detail on the context of how you faced this error ? Are you working with a project generated directly from TouchGFX Designer or did you start a project from STM32CubeMX and then generated a TouchGFX project ? What is your project path ? I want to check if you have any space or unsupported character in the path name. Same for the TouchGFX installation folder. Are you working on Windows 10 or 7 ? What is your base language for Windows (Turkish faced some issues in the past for example due to some unsupported characters so we recommended people to switch to english) ?


Associate II

Hello Romain,

I am Using win11

I am using touchghx generated from cubemx. even if i generate from TouchGFX directly also facing same error.

this is my installation path


this is my project path


Can you share your log file ?

Why is your project put in the workspace folder by the way ? Did you manually set the TouchGFX project generation to this folder ? It would be better to have it elsewhere than in the workspace folder, /D/TouchGFX is fine for example.

In addition, when you generate a project from TouchGFX Designer with a TouchGFX Board setup for one of ST's development kit, you will see that the project structure is different: the STM32CubeIDE related files and project are under a STM32CubeIDE folder as you can see in the screenshots below. When starting a project from STM32CubeMX we recommend to uncheck the "Generate Under Root" option to keep this project structure, it will ease your development process.



This is my LOG Files. I am using TouchGFX for a Custom Board. so first i am tring to run in TouchGFX simulator. but its also failed.

Can you try to create a new project from STM32CubeMX or just start a project from TouchGFX Designer (but in another folder than the STM32CubeIDE workspace) ? I want to check if once again you are missing the .aplication.config file that is generated in your project's /TouchGFX folder.


Associate II

Here is Both File. i have created in different folder. in D/TouchGFX_Debug/


ST Employee

Hello @Shahrear​ ,

Could you open TouchGFX Environment, change directory to your project root and run make commands, like on this picture :

0693W00000WHjYFQA1.pngPlease let me know which output to you get.


ST Software Developer | TouchGFX
Associate II

Hello Yoann,

Please find the attach. this is the content after run make command


Associate II

Hello Guys,

Thanks for your support. i have figure out the reason in my case. it was the Chinese language pack with Win11. after i remove it. and reinstall touchGFX it Works Fine