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STM32H743 QSPI function

Associate II

Hi all

I want to know where should I use QSPI function?0690X000008w1zqQAA.png

TouchGFX has initialized QSPI but it doesn't call0690X000008w1yOQAQ.png


For my demo project my STM32H743eval LCD only on

But image not showing.

How to solve this?


Hi Martin

You mean STM32H7DMA.cpp


But I don't find fillRect() function

So I need to include which header file to use fillRect() function?

You mean I can use DMA to draw the photo in my QSPI?


I mistyped, i meant "setupDataCopy()" which copies to fb from memory, and then you have setupDataFill() which fills an area in the framebuffer with the same data (e.g. a color).


Hi Martin

You mean these two functions can check QSPI External flash section and compare with .map file to see data correct is just check QSPI data

Or these are reasons for my project can't load QSPI


Let me be more clear. Break inside the setupDataCopy() method - have 1 simple image on your application. The BlitOp argument will have a source pointer - If you correlate this address with the image address from your map file you will know it is pointing to the right image.

Then i would check DMA registers to see if there are any transfer errors if you do not see the image on screen.

Does that make sense?
