2021-03-15 6:09 AM
Hello, I am generating a project from touchgfx with X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1. I manage to flash the board and make a basic example.
However, when i move to CubeIDE, i am facing issues.
First of all, i have added the external loader MX25L64.. to the debug.
After i open the CUBEMX ioc file and save just a basic change, i get errors regarding RCC (even if i have not changed something there).
What could be the culprit?
2021-03-24 4:25 AM
I believe this is due to the latest FW package 1.4 (and 1.4.1). In cubeMX you should change the fw package path to the fw pack v1.3 (in the Project Manager tab) and generate code.
2021-03-24 1:56 PM
If i run target from touchgfx , the display shows the information.
However, if i generate the code and run from stm32cubeide, i get a white background.
2021-03-24 2:19 PM
modified the system_stm32g0xxx.c file according to this thread: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000OUZHcSAP/stm32cubefwg0v140-bug-
Manage to build succesfully... however-- stil white background (also when running from touchgfx).