2019-12-25 8:53 AM
I'm using STM32F746 DISCOVERY and compiling with TFT 7inch based on "https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019884752-Configuring-STM32F746G-DISCO"
1>Of cource i have change size of TFT to 800x400, that mean Display X size = 800 and Display Y size = 400 as picture "TouchGFX"
when i compile i have error such as picture "IAR"
2>I see that seem i declare memory in "stm32f746xx_flash.icf" file is not enough such as picture "QSPI"
3>When i change data in "stm32f746xx_flash.icf" file
define symbol __QSPI_start__ = 0x80000000;
define symbol __QSPI_end__ = 0x90100000;
after that i compile again, this is OK.
4> I'm not understand i change as above, that is correct. So anybody can let me know the correct value i can input for
define symbol __QSPI_start__=?
define symbol __QSPI_end__ = ?
I hope some expert can help me.
Thanks and best regards.
2019-12-25 9:02 AM
The base for the QSPI should be 0x90000000, the end point can be deeper than 1MB, don't recall the exact size of that board, but assume it is 16MB at least, so 0x91000000
2019-12-26 6:58 AM
Thanks you for your reply.
I see that IC FLASH QSPI is 128M
So can i make it as bellow?
define symbol __QSPI_start__ = 0x90000000;
define symbol __QSPI_end__ = 0x98000000;
Thanks And Best Regards.