2019-04-23 7:08 PM
I have a problem to configure LCD display of STM32F469 discovery.
I'm using STM32CubeMX 5.1.0 + TouchGFX 4.10.0 + IAR Embedded Workbench 8.32.1.
My project was created by STM32CubeMX 5.1.0 - STM32F469I-DISCO board.
I changed display mode from 400*480 portrait to 800*480 landscape in accordance with guideline.
Picture is well displayed on 800*480 LCD.
But leftside picture 400*480 is copyed on right side.
In source code STM32F4HAL_DSI.cpp,
when update Region, LCD_SetUpdateRegionLeft() and LCD_SetUpdateRegionRight()
is same result.
What is fuction name whitch I check?
2019-05-09 2:47 AM
Hi @병준 전,
Just catching up here. Are you still having this isuse?
2019-05-09 6:57 PM
Thank you for your reply.
I'm still have this issue.
this is my first project for STM32.
so it is so difficult for me.
2019-05-10 2:27 AM
Can you please try with the latest verison of CubeMX? 5.2.0.
STM32F469 / F769 project generation has had issues in the past and may still.
2019-05-14 6:31 PM
I tried with CubeMX 5.2.0 and STM32Cube FW 1.24.1.
and changed CubeMX setting according to following link,
Result is same.
I tihnk this is very simple cause. (may be not)
But I can not find function whitch i would fix.
Please let me know why full screen is not displayed (even academically).
2019-05-16 12:00 AM
@병준 전,
What do you mean by "academically" ? The guide was made to compensate for errors in 5.1.0 project generation. What happened if you did not make the modifications from the document?
2019-05-22 12:28 AM
Would please link about guide for compensating?
I coluld not find it.
Sincerely thank for your reply.
2019-05-22 2:18 AM
The one you mentioned in the previous post: https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020208091-Configuring-STM32F769I-DISCO
2019-06-11 1:09 AM
Hi @병준 전,
How are you doing on this issue?
2019-06-11 5:35 PM
Thank you for relpy.
I had a mistake.
I thought // is just remark for example link.
But // was required for LCD.
Finally it operated well.
Thanks ST community.