2023-04-24 1:52 AM
Hello, I am using stm32f429 discovery, and if I download the program using touchgfx, it is normal.
By the way, HAL_Init(); MX_GPIO_Init(); //MX_I2C3_Init(); MX_SPI5_Init();
MX_FMC_Init(); MX_LTDC_Init(); MX_DMA2D_Init();....
If you remove only the touch function (//MX_I2C3_Init();) and run the initialization,
Interrupt function (stm32f4xx_it.c)
void MemManage_Handler(void){ while (1) { }}
/* USER CODE BEGIN W1_MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
It's not coming out of the while statement
It is normal to use.
Please give me some solution.
2023-05-08 6:48 AM - edited 2023-11-20 7:20 AM
Hello Nhor.1,
Is your issue treated in the other thread you created? If yes, I invite you to close this one :)
By the way, writing an English title would more likely have an answer to your thread. Also, if you need to put code, you can use the code snippet, it's more readable for everyone.