2014-05-15 4:27 AM
Hello Forum,
I do have a STM32F205VE device 100Pin Package to which i connected a Camera as to the DCMI Interface. From the DCMI Status register i can tell, that HSYNC and VSYNC are detected. However, nothing is captured. The PXCLK (Pixelclock) is routed to PA6 (AF=DCMI PXCLK). Somewhere in the datasheet i now red that DCMI is not supported on STMF205 devices. Is that true? It seems that PA6 (Pixelclock) is not reaching the DCMI module allthough present on the Pin. Thanks. #stm32f205-dcmi2014-05-15 9:40 AM
It's in the data sheet for the part, so I'd say that's pretty fatal to your application.
''2.2.31 Digital camera interface (DCMI)
The camera interface is not available in STM32F205xx devices.
STM32F207xx products embed a camera interface that can connect with camera modules and CMOS sensors through an 8-bit to 14-bit parallel interface, to receive video data. The camera interface can sustain up to 27 Mbyte/s at 27 MHz or 48 Mbyte/s at 48 MHz. It features:''
2014-05-16 6:56 AM
2014-05-16 7:13 AM
Yes, should be able to place a 207 or 407, the 05's are missing ETHERNET, and apparently DCMI. I'm not using cameras so easy enough to miss.
The manual says it doesn't work, your physical testing confirms, reasonably definitive.