2021-01-08 7:53 AM
I am wondering why the HAL_DCMI_Start_DMA function supports only data transfer through DMA. I noticed that there is only one function for data transfer which is HAL_DCMI_Start_DMA.
Another question, is there any example on the net that shows an implementation of this HAL function ?
Thank you for your help,
2021-01-08 11:01 AM
Data which is generated from camera sensor normally huge. The main reason of using DMA is for keeping CPU resource free for other operation.
For the example, you could download CUBEMX and f4 or f7 firmware package. an example of DCMI project is under the evaluation board folder.
2021-01-08 3:07 PM
The data comes out like a firehose, you're not going to be able to drink from it..
The source is available for all these libraries, review it in the context of the information in the reference manual.
There should be some EVAL series board examples, find boards with cameras / option.
You don't specific which "STM32" you plan on working with.