2015-02-15 11:58 AM
I have Littile problem with Stemwin.I have ported Stemwin on my board(STM32f407). nearly all functions(that i have test up to now) is working well. but when I call GUI_SelectLayer(1), Program locked and go to hard fault. My LCD driver is ST7735 and did not mention about multilayer capability.when i call GUI_SelectLayer(2) or more larger number program did not locked but new layer also did not activate(I set GUI layers to 10).i would be thank you if some body help me.thank you #stemwin-stm32f4072015-02-16 4:06 AM
If you are using RTOS with stemwin then try increasing the stack size of that task which calls GUI_SelectLayer() function. This helped with me.
2016-08-08 2:55 AM
I am trying to use ST7735 with STM32F103 and STemWin528 but am not having much success - it hard faults in the library. Please could you post your config files? Thanks Andy.