2020-06-12 2:25 AM
I am trying to interface ST7789 display with STM32F429 using RGB 565 interface.
I have used the st7789 library from STM32F4 package \STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.0\Drivers\BSP\Components\st7789.c
But this library has functions of SPI and I want to use LTDC to send data to LCD.
In my board LCD is directly connected with LTDC pins of STM32f429 and also connected to SPI to configure registers.
2020-06-12 6:55 AM
It's not clear what you are asking. The SiTronix ST7789 is a standalone LCD controller which uses the SPI to interface to a controller. If you are driving an LCD screen directly from the STM32 why do you have a separate LCD controller? You need a library for a direct connect LCD screen.
Jack Peacock