2017-02-20 9:32 PM
I need to interface AT070TN92 7' LCD display (Driver element: a-Si TFT active matrix, Resolution: 800 × 3(RGB) × 480) with STM32F103VCT6 controller. The display have a back-light driver board. Is it possible to interface the display directly to the controller with out any LCD controller ICs. Here attaching the datasheet of display AT070TN
Thank you
#stm32cubemx-lcd #stm32 #stm32f103vct6 #stm32-tft-lcd-controller #tft-lcd #stmcubemx Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2017-02-21 6:26 AM
No, sorry,
this LCD has a RGB parallel interface. you need a pixel rate of 20-46MHz and 8 red, 8 green and 8 blue pins.
these are not available on this processor.
some LCD modules accept the 8080 /6800 mode parallel interface, but not this one.
2017-02-21 9:42 PM
Then how can I interface it? Is it possible with an LCD driver controller IC such as SSD1963?
2017-02-21 10:11 PM
yes, like this one,
other wise, you have to make you own board with that chip installed.
I would recommend the RA8875 or RA8876 solutions. like this one:
or 10'
you can find heaps of these type on the net... search for SPI TFT LCD 7' RA8875 or RA8876 or SSD1963
2017-02-21 11:24 PM
Now I have an option to choose SSD1963 for the interfacing. Using STM32F103VCT6 FSMC there is 8 bit or 16 bit parallel lines for the interfacing. I prefer 16 bit. SSD1963 output data lines for the interfacing of LCD are LDATA[0:23]. Is there any criteria to connect SSD1963 data lines with LCD(which LDATA connect to RGB lines of LCD)? Is it have any dependence with the STM32VCT6 FMSCdata bit selection?
I am attaching the datasheet of SSD19
Thank you
________________ Attachments : solomon_systech_ssd1963.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hytp&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bDe%2FAfEZcoCuq.YYhv2dCi9X3AAwSHEsgLT6RWuEHIdkAD8&asPdf=false2017-02-22 2:27 AM
will make your own private PCB ?
or will you use LCD with SSD1963 on board
2017-02-22 3:35 AM
My LCD has only a back light driving board. I need to make a PCB of LCD data controller.
2017-02-22 3:41 AM
with careful study, its pretty easy actually, just follow the steps on page 82 or 83.
make sure you have sufficient capacitance , otherwise you may see dots running over screen.
2017-02-22 4:00 AM
Is there any dependence
with STM32VCT6 FMSC data bit selection
and table shown in page 15 ?2017-02-22 4:20 AM
Page 15 of SSD1963
Table 6-5 LCD interface matching... this page ?
Yes use the 24bit column..