2021-09-01 8:16 AM
I have a ScrollList at the end of a ScrollableContainer. If I scroll down the ScrollableContainer to the ScrollList, the items in the ScrollList are not scrollable.
However, if I place the ScrollList out of the scrollablecontainer, the scrolllist items are scrollable correctly. Can we not place a ScrollList withing a ScrollableContainer? or am I missing some required step?
Thanks very much for responding.
2021-09-01 12:27 PM
This is a problem of priority - what container should react on scroll gesture. By default all your gestures are taken by the ScrollableContainer and it doesn't pass them down to SrollList.
If you have two widgets: one scrolled vertically, another - horizontally, then you can write code (Google for examples, I have seen some) that can decide what gesture it was and send it to the appropriate widget.
But in your case both scrolling are vertical how wolud you decide what control should take control? Try to modify example code and see how it goes.