2014-04-02 10:54 PM
Hardwa: STM32F429Discovery
Software: STemWin, STemWin_Library_V1.0.0 and STemWin_Library_V1.0.1 When using the functiong of Multiple Buffering of STemWin, I found that words was drawn in back buffer, but the filled rectangle was drawn in front buffer. Because there is a bug in the file of 'GUIDRV_stm32f429i_discovery.c'. _aBufferIndex[i] shouldn't be assigned in LTDC_ISR_Handler but int the custom defined routine for copying buffers. Like this... static void _LCD_CopyBuffer(int LayerIndex, int IndexSrc, int IndexDst) { U32 BufferSize, AddrSrc, AddrDst; BufferSize = _GetBufferSize(LayerIndex); AddrSrc = _aAddr[LayerIndex] + BufferSize * IndexSrc; AddrDst = _aAddr[LayerIndex] + BufferSize * IndexDst; &sharpif (NUM_BUFFERS==2) _aBufferIndex[LayerIndex] = IndexDst; &sharpendif _DMA_Copy(LayerIndex, (void *)AddrSrc, (void *)AddrDst, _axSize[LayerIndex], _aySize[LayerIndex], 0); } Or it will give a wrong address when drawing rectangles. #stemwin-multiple-buffering #stemwin2014-05-08 7:42 AM
I confirm that this a bug and it should be fixed : changing buffer should be done in all the case (Multibufering used or not)static void _LCD_CopyBuffer(int LayerIndex, int IndexSrc, int IndexDst) {
U32 BufferSize, AddrSrc, AddrDst; BufferSize = _GetBufferSize(LayerIndex); AddrSrc = _aAddr[LayerIndex] + BufferSize * IndexSrc; AddrDst = _aAddr[LayerIndex] + BufferSize * IndexDst; _DMA_Copy(LayerIndex, (void *)AddrSrc, (void *)AddrDst, _axSize[LayerIndex], _aySize[LayerIndex], 0, 0); _aBufferIndex[LayerIndex] = IndexDst; // After this function has been called all drawing operations are routed to Buffer[IndexDst]! } void LTDC_ISR_Handler(void) { U32 Addr; int i; LTDC->ICR = (U32)LTDC_IER_LIE; for (i = 0; i < GUI_NUM_LAYERS ; i++) { if (_aPendingBuffer[i] >= 0) { // // Calculate address of buffer to be used as visible frame buffer // Addr = _aAddr[i] + _axSize[i] * _aySize[i] * _aPendingBuffer[i] * _aBytesPerPixels[i]; // // Store address into SFR // _apLayer[i]->CFBAR &= ~(LTDC_LxCFBAR_CFBADD); _apLayer[i]->CFBAR = Addr; // // Reload configuration // _LTDC_ReloadConfig(LTDC_SRCR_IMR); // // Tell emWin that buffer is used // GUI_MULTIBUF_ConfirmEx(i, _aPendingBuffer[i]); // // Clear pending buffer flag of layer // _aPendingBuffer[i] = -1; } } } The fix should be included in the next STemWin package. With regards,