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"Load images into target memory"

Associate II


I am trying this example to use LCD_HDMI from STM32Cube repository.

Board: STM32H747I-DISCO

Toolchain: STM32CubeIDE


I am following the guidelines in order to make the program work as given in readme.txt file.

I am stuck at load images into target memory. I am not exactly sure how to load images.

Can anyone help me to make this example work and provide the exact steps.

Thank you in advance :)

Associate II

Do I have to just include the image header file in main.c ?

something like this:

#include "image_320x240_argb8888.h"

#include "life_augmented_argb8888.h"

Thank you.

No, it means compile both the CM4 and CM7 applications, and flash the resultant .HEX or .ELF into the device.

They represent two components/halves, and both must be loaded into the device.

You could use STM32 Cube Programmer

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Thank you! I’ll try this tomorrow morning and will update you about my progress.

Associate II

Yesterday, I made some progress with this example. I followed all the steps as mentioned into the readme.txt file.

Successfully, made this work on the KoD LCD panel (Board MB1166). But, my main objective was to make it work on HDMI monitor.

As mentioned in readme.txt I used the DSI-HDMI bridge then connected to HDMI monitor using HDMI cable to the MB1232 board and tried to boot (Cortex- M7) and (Cortex-M4) at once and run the example.

No luck in making this to work on HDMI monitor.

I would really appreciate a more detailed guide.

@Martin KJELDSEN​ @Community member​ 

Thank you in advance =)

>>I would appreciate a more detailed guide.

Unfortunately I'm not compensated in a way I can carry others development work, so I can only provide a couple minutes of my time.

The examples supposedly auto detect if the KoD display is attached, and switch the HDMI if not attached. The define USE_LCD_CTRL_ADV7533 is used to control the importation of the HDMI display code. I don't see any use of BSP_LCD_InitHDMI() or LTDI_HDMI_Init() so I assume the plumbing hasn't been done.

At the very least it would take several hours of work to get this all functional.

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