2023-01-09 5:09 PM
Hi, how can i solve the multiple definition error? what i do is just disable the freertos function and get this error
2023-01-09 10:38 PM
As you can see in the error log the project is looking for files in the Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS folder. I believe those files are removed from the project folder itself but not in the link path in STM32CubeIDE.
Try to remove them in the tree view on STM32CubeIDE and clean the Path settings as well in the properties settings.
2023-01-09 10:52 PM
the freertos folder in link path also has been remove itself but i don't why it still state the error.
so try to create a new project and disable the freertos. I get these error, could you please advice me how to disable the freertos. what file and folder need to remove ?
im using stm32h750-dk eval board
2023-01-09 11:00 PM
In the error log you can see that it complains about the " #include ... "
Go to TouchGFXConfiguration.cpp and remove it.
Same for the error in TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp
Have a look at this article in the online documentation.
2023-01-09 11:10 PM
I know it show the error about the #include freertos library. I already go thru these .c file but the #include lib has been remove itself. so i don't know what to do
same goes to TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp
2023-01-10 9:52 PM
Could you share your project ? Other users could have a look as well.
2023-01-11 6:50 PM
2023-01-12 12:06 AM
I was a bit too lazy to dive too deep in what you shared since you have freertos in it but dont want to have it if i understood correctly, so I just started from scratch with the TouchGFX board template for the STM32H750dk and cleaned the path settings and unnecessary files in the stm32cubeIDE project. I havnt tested it on target as I dont have the board though.
2023-01-12 12:35 AM
i just let the freertos default bcs i got a lot of error last time. thats why i just try to use the freertos but it seem very complicated for me.
btw i have run the file you send but i got this error
2023-01-12 1:04 AM
the error in the first screenshot is because i did not modify the makefile in the gcc folder but only the STM32CubeIDE project. Second error i didnt face, interesting.
But can we start over, what are you trying to do exactly :grinning_face_with_sweat: ?