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Limit to number of Text Area items on TouchGFX screen?

Associate II

Does anyone know what might limit the number of text (Text Area) items that can be displayed on the screen?

I am using TouchGFX designer (4.13.0) to generate an application on a STM32H743I-EVAL2 board. My application has very basic screens. I find that a screen will not appear on the display if it contains >12 visible text items, and the application appears to hang. Additional text items can be in the design so long as visible is checked on no more than 12 items. A button containing text seems to count as one of the 12 text items. I ruled out: length of text content, font size, and font color as affecting this problem.

I can programatically make additional text items appear by adding a button, where a button click makes a 13th, 14th (and probably more) text items visible.

Let me know if you have a suggestion or can explain why this problem occurs.

Thank you,




I am able to debug using Keil after updating from 5.27 to 5.29. Here's where the code is when the error occurs.

FROM: smm32h7xx_hal_tim.c (line 3244)

void HAL_TIM_IRQHandler(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)

 /* Capture compare 3 event */



TO: startup_stm32h743xx.s - Reset_Handler (line 238)

TO: stm32h7xx_it.c (line 88)

void HardFault_Handler(void)

I just now got to this point. Need to leave for the evening. Do you know what I should be looking at next? At selection in CubeMX maybe?



Can you point me to a reference for configuring and setting up access to external flash?

Thank you,


Hi Martin,
I think that I have external flash initialized correctly. My reason is that I can see from the map file that other items already on the display were retrieved from external flash. However, I have not been able to determine the cause of the hard fault (interrupt). Things I have learned:
1. I can cause the same problem to occur if I alter one of the TouchGFX example applications to add a handful of text items. For example, I have done this by adding text items to screen on the Scale & Zoom example application.
2. I can make the problem go away if a text item is present and set to visible, but covered by a box.
Based on what I said, do you think I have external flash initialized correctly? If not, can you point me to a reference where this information is explained?
Do you think this problem might be caused by size of stack, heap, or some count limit (maybe something set within FreeRTOSConfig.h)? I am not clear on how sized of stack and heap for CubeMX relate to those in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
Is this information helpful? Do you have suggestions?
If you like, I could zip and send my project files to you.
Thank you,