2012-10-10 6:23 AM
Hi, I recently started programming microcontrollers STM32F4, I tried an example to control an LCD screen, there are on the net? can you give me directions?
#lcd-stm32f4discovery #stm32f4-hd44780 #interface-anything-to-anything2012-10-10 6:41 AM
LCD covers a pretty broad range of displays, care to be more specific?
There are breakout boards for the STM32F4-Discovery that add 320x240 colour panels, ST has a number of EVAL series boards with screens. A lot of boards have 16 x 2 text screens, Olimex has several, and Keil and IAR have demo code for such screens.2012-10-11 2:58 AM
I have
of this type
2012-10-24 11:59 AM
I have just finished a driver for the popular HD44780. I wrote it specifically for the STM32F4 Discovery board.
I look at the datasheet of your LCD and it is compatible with the HD44780. You can find the drivers for the LCD at:https://plus.google.com/u/0/107064446910059011232/posts/j1p2woAR6Lr
or download at:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/51926927/STM32F4 LCD 44780 Driver source.zip
2012-10-25 11:53 AM
really need to use
the LCD and
I'm still not
able to write
2012-10-25 3:47 PM
really need to use
the LCD and
I'm still not
able to write
You might want to be more specific about you have this wired up, ie what pins are wired to what signal on the LCD. Consider how you have to configure the GPIO pins on the STM32F4. Review the code provided earlier, and for other 16x2 panels, see how data is applied, and how control and address pins are set and strobed. Review the manual for your panel. Enumerate the areas you understand and have code for, and those you do not. The purpose of the forum is not to do your homework or projects, you will gain far more by examining examples and correlating the code with the documentation for the panel and the processor.2012-10-25 4:26 PM
clive1 thanks, I will follow your advice, and I'm sorry if I was unclear in previous interventions.
2012-10-25 4:35 PM
No problem, I'm just trying to gauge what kind of support you are looking for, coding a driver is something that would take several hours.
The 16 x 2 panels are used on a lot of Keil (MCBSTM32) and IAR/Olimex boards, looking how those are attached, and the drivers coded, should be a quite good template to follow.2012-10-29 11:30 PM
''The 16 x 2 panels are used on a lot of Keil (MCBSTM32) and IAR/Olimex boards...''
In fact, these displays have been around for decades - there are hundreds (probably thousands) of boards and projects that use them. There is no shortage of tutorials on how to use them. The display neither knows nor cares what processor (STM32, 8051, PIC, etc) is used to drive it - just so long as it meets the requirements specified in the Datasheet (specifically, in the LCD Controller Datasheet). So there are 2 things you need:1. to understand how the LCD itself works - this is independent of the STM32;2. to understand how the STM32 itself works - this is independent of the LCD. You can then put the two together... It's the same basic procedure for any interfacing task:2012-10-30 4:08 PM
hi, I wanted some advice, I would also like to try to write my driver for a device, and I think I will buy a LCD to learn, I wanted some advice on what to buy? if there exists some LCD more simple and suitable for learning! because the HD44780 is very popular?