2021-01-10 9:13 AM
with libjpeg or using hardware in polling, mode compression works fine.
but when using DMA image is getting corrupted
#include "jpeg_encode.h"
#include "jpeglib.h"
#include "jdata_conf.h"
// variables used for dma mode
uint32_t YCBCR_Size;
uint32_t YCBCR_Index;
uint32_t YCBCR_Packets;
uint32_t YCBCR_Packet_Size;
uint8_t *YCBCR_IMG;
uint8_t Encoded_Flag;
uint8_t DMA_Mode;
uint32_t JPEG_Size;
uint32_t JPEG_Encode_SW(uint8_t *img, // pointer input rgb map
uint32_t img_x, // image width
uint32_t img_y, // image hight
uint8_t img_bytpp, // bytes per pixel
uint8_t quality, // out jpeg quality
uint8_t *jpg_out, // where out jpeg is stored, must be sizes appropriately
uint32_t jpg_out_sz) // size of output buffer
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
uint32_t row_stride;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
cinfo.image_width = img_x;
cinfo.image_height = img_y;
cinfo.input_components = 3;
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, TRUE);
jpeg_mem_dest(&cinfo, &jpg_out, &jpg_out_sz);
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);
row_stride = img_x * img_bytpp;
while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height)
row_pointer[0] = &img[cinfo.next_scanline * row_stride];
jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);
return jpg_out_sz;
uint32_t JPEG_Encode_HW(JPEG_HandleTypeDef *hjpeg,
uint8_t *img, // pointer input rgb map
uint32_t img_x, // image width
uint32_t img_y, // image hight
uint8_t img_bytpp, // bytes per pixel
uint8_t quality, // out jpeg quality
uint8_t *ycbcr_tmp, // temperory buffer for ycbcr conversion, must be sizes appropriately
uint8_t *jpg_out) // where out jpeg is stored, must be sizes appropriately
JPEG_ConfTypeDef Conf;
JPEG_RGBToYCbCr_Convert_Function pRGBToYCbCr_Convert_Function;
uint32_t ycbcr_mcu = 0;
uint32_t ycbcr_size = 0;
JPEG_Size = 0;
DMA_Mode = 0;
Encoded_Flag = 0;
Conf.ImageWidth = img_x;
Conf.ImageHeight = img_y;
Conf.ChromaSubsampling = JPEG_420_SUBSAMPLING;
Conf.ImageQuality = quality;
// get the numbers of mcus and appropriate function to rgb to ycbcr
JPEG_GetEncodeColorConvertFunc(&Conf, &pRGBToYCbCr_Convert_Function, &ycbcr_mcu);
// convert rgb to ycbcr mcu in one go
pRGBToYCbCr_Convert_Function(img, ycbcr_tmp, 0, (img_x * img_y * img_bytpp), &ycbcr_size);
HAL_JPEG_ConfigEncoding(hjpeg, &Conf);
// convert ycbcr mcus to jpeg in one go
HAL_JPEG_Encode(hjpeg, ycbcr_tmp, ycbcr_size, jpg_out, (img_x * img_y * img_bytpp), 1000);
// JPEG_Size is updated in HAL_JPEG_DataReadyCallback
return JPEG_Size;
void JPEG_Encode_HW_DMA(JPEG_HandleTypeDef *hjpeg,
uint8_t *img, // pointer input rgb map
uint32_t img_x, // image width
uint32_t img_y, // image hight
uint8_t img_bytpp, // bytes per pixel
uint8_t quality, // out jpeg quality
uint8_t *ycbcr_tmp, // temperory buffer for ycbcr conversion, must be sizes appropriately
uint8_t *jpg_out) // where out jpeg is stored, must be sizes appropriately
JPEG_ConfTypeDef Conf;
JPEG_RGBToYCbCr_Convert_Function pRGBToYCbCr_Convert_Function;
uint32_t ycbcr_mcu = 0;
uint32_t ycbcr_size = 0;
JPEG_Size = 0;
DMA_Mode = 1;
Encoded_Flag = 0;
Conf.ImageWidth = img_x;
Conf.ImageHeight = img_y;
Conf.ChromaSubsampling = JPEG_420_SUBSAMPLING;
Conf.ImageQuality = quality;
// get the numbers of mcus and appropriate function to rgb to ycbcr
JPEG_GetEncodeColorConvertFunc(&Conf, &pRGBToYCbCr_Convert_Function, &ycbcr_mcu);
// convert rgb to ycbcr mcu in one go
pRGBToYCbCr_Convert_Function(img, ycbcr_tmp, 0, (img_x * img_y * img_bytpp), &ycbcr_size);
HAL_JPEG_ConfigEncoding(hjpeg, &Conf);
YCBCR_Index = 0x00;
YCBCR_Size = ycbcr_size;
YCBCR_IMG = ycbcr_tmp;
YCBCR_Packet_Size = 8 * 1024;
YCBCR_Packets = YCBCR_Size / YCBCR_Packet_Size;
YCBCR_IMG += YCBCR_Packet_Size;
// feed ycbcr mcus to jpeg in blocks of YCBCR_Packet_Size
HAL_JPEG_Encode_DMA(hjpeg, ycbcr_tmp, YCBCR_Packet_Size, jpg_out, 16 * 1024);
// poll encoding status if using dma mode
uint8_t JPEG_Get_Status(uint32_t *size)
uint8_t tmp = Encoded_Flag;
*size = JPEG_Size;
Encoded_Flag = 0;
return tmp;
//////////////////////////////////////// callbacks and ISRS ////////////////////////////////////////////
* @brief JPEG Get Data callback
* @param hjpeg: JPEG handle pointer
* @param NbEncodedData: Number of encoded (consummed) bytes from input buffer
* @retval None
void HAL_JPEG_GetDataCallback(JPEG_HandleTypeDef *hjpeg, uint32_t NbEncodedData)
if (DMA_Mode)
if (YCBCR_Index == YCBCR_Packets)
YCBCR_Packet_Size = YCBCR_Size % YCBCR_Packet_Size;
// feed ycbcr mcus to jpeg in blocks of YCBCR_Packet_Size
HAL_JPEG_ConfigInputBuffer(hjpeg, YCBCR_IMG, YCBCR_Packet_Size);
YCBCR_IMG += YCBCR_Packet_Size;
if (YCBCR_Index > YCBCR_Packets)
YCBCR_Index = 0x00;
// if HAL_JPEG_Pause or HAL_JPEG_ConfigInputBuffer with zero length here then HAL_JPEG_DataReadyCallbackn will not be called
HAL_JPEG_ConfigInputBuffer(hjpeg, YCBCR_IMG, 4);
* @brief JPEG Data Ready callback
* @param hjpeg: JPEG handle pointer
* @param pDataOut: pointer to the output data buffer
* @param OutDataLength: length of output buffer in bytes
* @retval None
void HAL_JPEG_DataReadyCallback(JPEG_HandleTypeDef *hjpeg, uint8_t *pDataOut, uint32_t OutDataLength)
JPEG_Size = OutDataLength;
* @brief JPEG Error callback
* @param hjpeg: JPEG handle pointer
* @retval None
void HAL_JPEG_ErrorCallback(JPEG_HandleTypeDef *hjpeg)
while (1)
* @brief JPEG Decode complete callback
* @param hjpeg: JPEG handle pointer
* @retval None
void HAL_JPEG_EncodeCpltCallback(JPEG_HandleTypeDef *hjpeg)
Encoded_Flag = 1;
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-19 7:18 PM
Check that the memory you use for the DMA buffers is accessible to the JPG block. I had 6 months of grief finding this out on an F7 as by default only the first 128k is in the correct cache region
2021-01-19 7:18 PM
Check that the memory you use for the DMA buffers is accessible to the JPG block. I had 6 months of grief finding this out on an F7 as by default only the first 128k is in the correct cache region
2021-01-20 11:42 PM
got it working
I had to put
before dma call and removing this line "HAL_JPEG_ConfigInputBuffer(hjpeg, YCBCR_IMG, 4);" from HAL_JPEG_GetDataCallback