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Is their any way to integrate TouchGFX with micropython for GUI development?


I am working on one project where am integrating the stm32 hardware peripheral with micro python. I have designed one gui in the touch GFX IDE generated the code. While integrating it with Micropython , due to its mixing of C and C++ code iam unable to compile it .

Would any one having experience or worked on this thing help me because i stuck at this thing ?

Looking forward t hear from you ?

Michael K
Senior III

I'd need more background information to help you better. What exactly is the issue? You can run C and C++ code at the same time. What are the exact compiler/linker errors you are coming across?

I haven't worked with Micropython but I did an experiment with integrating a Lua virtual machine with a TouchGFX front end. I did everything in Model.cpp, even though the Lua library is C.

Michael E
ST Employee

Hello, for sure, for the moment, nothing is planned to integrate TGFX gui in STM32 Mycropython software.

You can try to compile mixed code, but I'm not sure that work!

You can also try to "translate" TGFX C code in Micropython, but it's a hard work.

Maybe, you can find more information in Mycropython community.

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