2018-12-06 10:47 AM
Is there a template or a sample application that one can use to develop fast running waveform display feature in TouchGFX? (such as that of a oscilloscope waveform display and not a static or slow speed 1-dim graph display)
if not any suggestions? ..thanks..
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-04-08 12:40 AM
No problem! :)
2019-09-14 3:38 PM
Yes, this is something I need as well , have there been any developments on this ?
In fact I need the STM exclusively to show various audio . Scopes, waveforms analysers etc.
2019-09-15 11:42 PM
Did you try it and see if it suits your needs? There's a graph application example somewhere in this thread.
2019-09-16 1:56 PM
I dont have the Eval board yet so I cannot test it , simulator will not run it and obviously it would have no input.
2020-03-15 8:40 AM
Any chance the example can be updated to TouchGFX Designer 4.13.0?
I'm Using STM32CubeIDE and it would be very nice to have a graph that runs on a Discovery Board.
2020-04-01 9:46 AM
Is this GraphApplication also working with TouchGFX 4.12.3 or 4.13.0?
2020-04-13 2:52 PM
Hello @Martin KJELDSEN
we are trying to port example what you posted a year ago to the current development environment:
Hardware STM32F746 Discovery board
Software: STM32 Cube IDE 1.3.0
Touch GFX 4.13.0
What we done so far:
abstartcGraph. cpp/hpp
GraphLine. cpp/hpp
touchGFX\gui\include\gui\common\ <header Files>
touchGFX\gui\src\common\ <Source Files>
2. Create simple touch GFX screen with background image from the example (I am referring here to the example what you share a year ago )
3. Code compiles and runs fine ie we can see background image on the screen
4. As soon as we add "Graph" variable in <ScrrenName>View.hpp file application compiles fine but once we try to run, application halts and we see "garbage" on the screen
#ifndef VC1VIEW_HPP
#define VC1VIEW_HPP
#include <gui_generated/vc1_screen/VC1ViewBase.hpp>
#include <gui/vc1_screen/VC1Presenter.hpp>
#include <gui/common/Graph.hpp>
class VC1View : public VC1ViewBase
virtual ~VC1View() {}
virtual void setupScreen();
virtual void tearDownScreen();
virtual void handleTickEvent();
int tickCounter;
Graph graph; // this line makes application crash
#endif // VC1VIEW_HPP
Any word of advise how to address that or if there is chance to get newer example? Please advise at your earliest convince.
Thank you for your support...
2020-04-14 6:26 AM
The Graph requires a canvas buffer. Verify that you've set one. I think it's done in main.cpp in that example i posted.
2020-04-14 10:38 AM
Thank you for your reply. We have modify TouchGFXConfiguration.cpp file by adding follow code to the touch_gfx_init() function
void touchgfx_init()
Bitmap::registerBitmapDatabase(BitmapDatabase::getInstance(), BitmapDatabase::getInstanceSize());
FrontendHeap& heap = FrontendHeap::getInstance();
(void)heap; // we need to obtain the reference above to initialize the frontend heap.
#define CANVAS_BUFFER_SIZE (3600)
static uint8_t canvasBuffer[CANVAS_BUFFER_SIZE];
CanvasWidgetRenderer::setupBuffer(canvasBuffer, CANVAS_BUFFER_SIZE);
But it seems it didnt really helped. as soon as we enable:
Graph graph;
application crashes. Can you please advise if there is/are anything else we should look at.
Thank you for all your support.
2020-04-14 12:31 PM
Please beware that you're modifying a file in the "generated/" folder which will get overwritten if you should generate code from CubeMX again.
That being said, are you debugging? What's the application doing when it crashes?